Nani Bhattacharya Smarak Mahavidyalaya

Welcome To Nani Bhattacharya Smarak Mahavidyalaya || “Empowering Dreams, Illuminating Minds: The Saga of Knowledge at Nani Bhattacharya Smarak Mahavidyalaya”

Dept. of Political Science

Department of Political Science

The department of political science has been in existence since the inception of the college which is 2000. But political science as honours has been introduced as the year 2017.Since its existence the department has been playing a magnificent role in the educational activity in the region. The department has two full time substantive teachers and One Teacher belonging to the category of SACT. The members of the department have very good experience to their credit imparting quality education to students. They keep themselves updated about the changing aspects of Political Science at the regional, National and International levels.

Talking about the vision of the Department its main aspect is to shape the way the Political Science discipline is understood and taught in India in a foundational manner, imbued with a distinctive focus on contributions of the Indian scholarship in understanding our complex and diverse social realities. We are committed to advance education and academic research that fosters possibilities of intellectual and social transformation of our students and prepared them to become citizen leaders committed to values of social and gender service.


The Department of Political Science aims to provide high-quality education, foster values of liberty, equality, and democracy, and impart policy-oriented knowledge to meet the needs of government, higher studies, the market, and society, with a vision to become a world-class centre for learning and research addressing global issues.


  • To bring higher education and dissemination of ideas of Political Science among the students of rural South Bengal.
  • To develop rational approach and critical thinking among students and to inculcate among them a feeling of service to the nation and global community at large.
  • Adoption of a dynamic curricula and student friendly teaching methods so as to achieve their overall academic needs and develop their real-world problem-solving skills.
  • Integrating teachers’ research works with teaching and also encouraging and involving students in research activities for firsthand learning experience.

Why Study Political Science?

  • Expand the number of students enrolling in Political Science courses by 5% annually.
  • Achieve a 90% student satisfaction rate regarding the development of critical thinking and rational approach through course evaluations and surveys.
  • Organize at least 1 community engagement or nation-building initiatives each year, involving students in hands-on projects that encourage service to society.
  • Implement at least one new innovative teaching method or curriculum update every academic year to address evolving academic and real-world challenges.
  • Ensure 80% of students report improvement in their real-world problem-solving abilities through post-course feedback and practical assignments.
  • Have at least 50% of faculty members incorporate their research findings into their courses, and ensure that 30% of students participate in research activities during their studies.

Seminars & Workshops conducted by the Department

Here's the seat matrix for the B.A. FYUGP Major Course in the Department of Political Science :

CategoryTotal SeatsPWD Seats

Department Faculties

Sact-2|| Political Science

Assistant Professor || Political Science

Assistant Professor || Political Science

Photos & Gallery

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