About The College
The college has had a humble beginning. It was due to the persistent efforts of the local residents, eminent political leaders and the government of West Bengal that the establishment of a general degree college could be made possible. An infra structural premise of the adjacent Toorsa Tea Garden was made available to house the college and it was with a mere 34 students that the college commenced its journey. It was only in the year 2005 that the college got its permanent building and was permanently shifted to its premise at Ramgaon, in Jaigaon.
Over a period of fifteen years the college authorities approached different government departments seeking funds for the general development of the college. Though intermittently, funds were provided and it was with these funds that the old building assumed its present shape. However everything changed when the government of west Bengal decided to provide a full fledged building to the college. An amount of approximately seven crores was granted for the said purpose and the N.B.D.D (North Bengal Development Department) was entrusted with the responsibility of building the college. Finally on 06.04.2023, the new college building was inaugurated and functioning properly from April, 2024.
College at a Glance
- Established : 2000, Vide G.O. No
- North Bengal University permanent affiliation : 122/36/Insp-13 dated 3/9/13.
- UGC Recognition : 2(f) and 12(B) Memo No- F.No. 8-476/2016(CPP-I/C) February 2018.
- Area of the College Campus : 4 Acres.
- Area of College Play Ground : 1.73 Acres.
- Number of Teaching posts sanctioned : 01 (Principal) + 11 (Teachers).
- Number of existing full time teachers : Principal and 11 Assistant Professors
- Number of Permanent N.T.S. : 13
- Number of State Aided College Teachers : 14
- Number of temporary N.T.S. : 08
- Number of books in Central Library : About 7500.
- Number of Newspapers in Central Library : Four in Four different Languages
- Student strength 2022-23 : First semester: 734. Third semester:899 and Fifth semester: 528.