Quality Initiative
Quality Initiative
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) at Nani Bhattacharya Smarak Mahavidyalaya (NBSM)
plays a pivotal role in enhancing the overall quality of academic and administrative processes within the
institution. It contributes to the regulation, curriculum development, and syllabus formulation by defining
Course Outcomes (COs) and Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs), implementing the Choice Based
Credit System (CBCS), and providing mentoring, tutorials, and remedial classes for both slow and
advanced learners. This ensures inclusive education for all students. IQAC also establishes and applies
quality benchmarks for academic and administrative activities through regular interactions with
stakeholders, and it organizes induction programs for students and parents to ensure the smooth
functioning of academic activities. The cell actively conducts inter and intra-institutional workshops and
seminars, focusing on quality-related themes, fostering collaboration through study circles, exchange
programs, and internships.
In addition to these initiatives, IQAC arranges internal supplementary examinations to support students’
academic progress and success. It monitors faculty progress under the Career Advancement Scheme
(CAS) according to UGC guidelines, maintaining detailed records through the CAS committee.
Furthermore, IQAC members liaise with the University of North Bengal’s Board of Studies (BOS) to
nominate faculty members for workshops, aligning curriculum and syllabus with the CBCS model.
Innovative pedagogical approaches such as project-based learning, self-learning, industrial internships, and peer-assisted learning are introduced by the IQAC, aligning with the objectives of the National
Education Policy (NEP) 2020.
The IQAC also monitors teaching and learning processes, conducting regular academic sub-committee
meetings to review methodologies and learning outcomes. Orientation and induction programs for newly
admitted students are organized under the IQAC’s guidance, ensuring students receive essential
information about the college, courses, and examination procedures. The cell facilitates an annual
Academic Administrative Audit, encompassing both internal and external audits to ensure compliance
and quality assurance. During the pandemic, the IQAC promoted ICT-enabled teaching by organizing
workshops and training sessions for teachers, facilitating online teaching, and disseminating e-content. It
established a YouTube channel for lectures, provided e-content via the college website, and offered
scanned books from the library to students upon request. A dedicated Facebook page was also created to
document college events.
Additionally, the IQAC introduced skill-oriented courses and free add-on programs for students,
transitioning these offerings smoothly to online mode during the pandemic. It refined existing programs
such as Yoga classes and introduced new certificate courses. Through these concerted efforts, the IQAC
has institutionalized quality assurance strategies across various domains, fostering a culture of
continuous improvement and excellence at NBSM, ensuring that the college remains a leading higher
education institution in the region.