Rules & Regulations
Library Rules & Regulations
- Books may be retained for a period not exceeding 7 days.
- Books may be renewed on request at the discretion of the Librarian/Library on duty staffs.
- Failure to return a book in time shall render the borrower liable to a fine of Rs. 1/- per volume per day from the date when the book was due.
- Tearing the pages of a book, marking or writing therein with ink or pencil, tearing or taking out its pages or otherwise damaging it will constitute an injury to a book.
- Any such injury to a book is a serious offence unless the borrower points out the injury at the time of borrowing the book, he/she will be required to replace the book or pay its price.
- Library Card is mandatory for borrow Library Books.
- Identity Card is mandatory while visiting and using the Library.
- Readers shall not write upon, damage, or make any mark upon any book, journal or magazine, or other material belonging to the Library.
- Any reader observing a defect or damage to any book or manuscript shall point out the same to the Library Staff immediately.
- Borrowers must satisfy themselves about the physical condition of the book before borrowing. Otherwise they will be responsible for any damage at the time of returning.
- Books borrowed on a particular day will not be accepted for return on the same day.