Nani Bhattacharya Smarak Mahavidyalaya

Welcome To Nani Bhattacharya Smarak Mahavidyalaya || “Empowering Dreams, Illuminating Minds: The Saga of Knowledge at Nani Bhattacharya Smarak Mahavidyalaya”

Seminar & Workshop

Seminars & Workshops

An institute of higher education cannot confine itself within the periphery of class room teaching-learning process. Beyond class room teaching a higher education has to extend the teaching-learning and grooming process with other academic activities like seminars, workshops etc. We teachers are associated with the development of the future generation. A healthy mind is necessary for a healthy society. This is possible only through discipline and healthy knowledge sharing. Seminar has an important place in the education world. Seminar is organized for the expansion of knowledge through its sharing, dissemination and assimilation. The students as well as the teachers get enriched from the widest corners of knowledge under one roof only through seminars. Organizing seminars at various levels like departmental seminars, state level seminars to national and international seminars is therefore the goal of every educational institution. We feel proud that we’re not lagging behind in this respect. Our college has organized departmental, state level, national and international level seminars from time to time. The list is as follows:


Seminar and Workshop Committee

Sl. No.NamePosition
1Dr. Saroj Kumari SharmaConvenor
2Dr. Binay Kumar PatelConvenor
3Jaydeb RoyMember
4Mahmudul HossainMember
5Dr. Ratan Ch. DasMember
6Prosun BiswasMember
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