Nani Bhattacharya Smarak Mahavidyalaya

Welcome To Nani Bhattacharya Smarak Mahavidyalaya || “Empowering Dreams, Illuminating Minds: The Saga of Knowledge at Nani Bhattacharya Smarak Mahavidyalaya”

Mahmudul Hossain

Designation: Assistant Professor
Dept. of History
: 9614086674
Email Id:
Vidwan Id:
Date of Joining: 11.03.2017
Teaching Experience: 7 Years 1 Month 5 Days (as on 16.04.2023)
Specialization: Ancient Indian History
Optional Paper: History of Indian Art and Architecture.,History of North Bengal
Area of Interest: Regional History, Peasant History, Ancient Indian History, International Relations
Adderss: Vill- Purba Danga Para, P.O- Jharsal Bari,P.S- Dhupguri, Dist.- Jalpaiguri, PIN- 735210 (WB)

Academic Qualification:
  • 2011 – B.A from Sukanta Mahavidyalaya, Dhupguri, Jalpaiguri, WB
  • 2013 – M.A from the University of North Bengal, Dist. Darjeeling, WB
  • 2014 – B.Ed. From Janki Devi College of Education, Kurukshetra University, Haryana
  • 2018 – M.Phil. From the University of North Bengal, Dist. Darjeeling, WB
Others Qualification:

Qualified State Eligibility Test (WBCSC) in 2014

Other Skills:
  • Certificate in Computer Applications,
  • Blogging in Website
  • Development, and management of MOOCs using LMS-Moodle,
  • Managing Online Classes, and Co-Creating of MOOCs 3.0.
  • Experienced in Google Apps
Administrative Experience:

I. 2020- Coordinator of the Examination Committee
II. Centre-in-Charge, West Bengal Primary TET Examination, Organised by the WBBPE, December, 2022.
III. Session: 2018- 2020 (w.e.f., 27th June, 2018) Convener of the Admission Committee.
IV. Session: 2019-2020 (w.e.f. 23rd April, 2019) Convener of the Admission Committee.
V. W.e.f., 29th August, 2019 – Present Co-ordinator of LSC (Netaji Subhash Open University, NBSM Branch)
VI. From 6th November, 2020 to 2nd February, 2022 Teacher-in-Charge cum Drawing and Disbursing Officer of Nani Bhattacharya Smarak Mahavidyalaya, Jaigaon.
VII. Session: 2021-22 (w.e.f. 3rd January, 2022) Secretary, Teachers’ Council, NBS Mahavidyalaya, Jaigaon.
VIII. W.e.f. 11th May 2022: Program Officer, NSS Unit, NBS Mahavidyalaya, Jaigaon.
IX. 2020 Onwards: Member of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell.
X. From 2021-22: Member of the Academic Core Committee.
XI. Session 2022-23: Convener of the Anti-Ragging Committee.
XII. 2022 Onwards: Member of the Library Development Committee.
XIII. 2023 Onwards: Member of the Purchase Committee.
XIV. Session: 2017-18 (1st June, 2017)
Member, Games and Sports committee, Jaigaon.
Member, Journal Committee.
XV. 25th November, 2021
Member of the Library Committee.
Assistant Convener of Seminar Organising Committee.
XVI. Convener of Seminar Organising Committee, One-Day National Level Webinar on “Digital Education: Perspectives and Challenges” Organized by the IQAC: NBS Mahavidyalaya, Jaigaon dated 6th of January, 2022.
XVII. 10th & 11th October, 2023: Convened the two Day National Level Seminar on Unheard Voices from the margin in India: Understanding History, Culture and Society Organised by the IQAC in Collaboration with the University of North Bengal, Darjeeling.
XVIII. 2023 onwards: Member, Finance Committee
XIX. 2023 onwards: Bursar

  • Lifetime Membership of Paschimbanga Itihas Samsad (1 Woodburn Park, Kolkata 700020).
  • Membership of East Indian Society for the Studies of Social Sciences (for the AY 2022-23), Alipurduar, West Bengal.
Attended in Faculty Development Programme/Workshop:
  1. Successfully completed in the UGC-HRDC sponsored One Month Online Faculty Induction Programme organized from 31-08-2020 to 29-09-2020 by Osmania University (NAAC WITH A+) in online mode.
  2. Successfully completed Two Week Faculty Development Programme on “Managing Online Classes and Co-Creating MOOCs 3.0” from July 25- August 10,2020 organised by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi. Under the aegis of MHRD, Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching.
  3. Successfully completed One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Development and Management of MOOCs and Online Courses using LMS Moodle” from 30th June 2020 – 4th July 2020 organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi under the Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching of MHRD.
  4. Participated in the One Week Online National Level Faculty Development Program on “Research Methodology using SPSS and Art of Writing a Research Proposal” organized by St. Claret College, affiliated to Bangalore University held from June 15, 2020 – June 20, 2020.
  5. Successfully completed in Web-based International Workshop on “Recent Trends in Modern Indian History: Society, Economy and Polity” held from 18- 24 June 2020 organized by the Department of History, Bankura University.
  6. Attended Workshop on “Choice Based Credit System” which was held on 20th February 2018 and organized by Vivekananda College in Collaboration with Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University.
  7. Attended One-Day Sensitization Programme to Orient the Learner Support Centres/Study Centres for BDP Admission (2020-2021) Organised by The Regional Centre, NSOU, Jalpaiguri held on August 19,2020 through Online.
  8. Successfully completed in the UGC-HRDC sponsored Refresher Course organised by Gauhati University, Gauhati, from 11th March, 2022 to 25th March, 2022.
Participation and Paper presentation in Seminar/Webinar and Conferences:
  1. Presented a Paper on “Pir Shah Sufi Sher Ali: A Luminary of Hindu-Muslim Syncretism in North Bengal” in the Two-Day International Seminar on “Understanding South Asia and South East Asia: A Historical Perspective” organized by the Department of History, University of North Bengal on May 16-17, 2019.
  2. Presented a Paper on “The Development and Peculiarities of New Social History: A brief Analysis” in ICPR Sponsored Periodical Lecture and One-Day International Seminar on “Commoditization of Knowledge and the role of Discourses of Humanities” organized by the Department of Philosophy with IQAC., Vivekanda College, Alipurduar in Collaboration with: Samuktala Sidhu Kanhu College, Samuktala and Pijush Kanti Mukherjee Mahavidyalaya, Sonapur, Alipurduar, dated 15th March, 2019.
  3. Participated in XXXV Annual Conference, 24-26 January, 2019 Organized by Paschimbanga Itihas Samsad, 1, Woodburn Park, Kolkata- 700020.
  4. Participated in One day National Webinar on “NAAC Assessment in Post Corona Period” organized by the IQAC, Mahavir Mahavidyalaya (NAAC with Grade A), Kolhapur (Maharashtra) ON 19th June, 2020.
  5. Participated in Two Days National Workshop on “Google Apps for Education and Moodle” organized by IQAC and Department of Commerce, Rajaram College (Government of Maharashtra), Kolhapur held on 2nd and 3rd July 2020.
  6. Participated in One day National Webinar on “Assessment and Accreditation Process of NAAC in the Revised Accreditation Framework” organized jointly by IQAC, Sapatgram College, P.B Collge and Mankachar College on 14th June 2020, in Association with Assam College Librarians’ Association (ICT Cell).
  7. Participated in Two days International Webinar on “Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic in Context of Socio-Economic Life, International Relationship and Health Care” organized by Mahatma Gandhi Arts, Science and Late N.P Commerce College (NAAC with Grade A), Armori, Dist- Gadchiroli, Maharashtra, India- 441208.
  8. Participated in Two-day International Seminar on “Kanyashree Prakalpa: A narrative of Empowerment” Sponsored by the Department of Science and Biotechnology, Department of Higher Education, Government of West Bengal, held on 27th and 28th August, 2018 organized by NBS Mahavidyalaya, Jaigaon.
  9. Participated in the National Seminar organised by A.B.N Seal College, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Title: “Approaches to Environment: Society, Culture, Polity and Economy,” 26th – 27th February, 2018.
  10. Participated in the 35th Annual Conference of Paschimbanga Itihas Samsad, held from 24th – 26th January, 2019 organised by the Department of History, Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University, Cooch Behar.
  11. Delivered a lecture at the NBS Mahavidyalaya on “Career Choice” as a resource person in the Career Counselling Camp held on 6th August 2022 organised by ABAVP, Dalsingpara, Jaigaon Unit.
  1. Lama, Dr. S., & Hossain, M., “BharatiyavUpo-Himalay Anchole Bouddhostupgulir Biborton: Ekti Sngkhipto Dharona” (in Bengali), Pages: 210-214, Srijani Dhara, (ISSN 2320-6500), January-March, April-June, 2018.
  2. Hossain, Mahmudul, “Pir Shah Sufi Sher Ali: Hindu-Muslim Samanyay Bad- er ek Probha” (in Bengali), Pages: 98-101, Ebong Mohua, Bengali Language, Literature, Research and Referred with Peer-Review Journal, 23rd Year, Volume: 138; September 2021, K.K Prakashan.
  3. Hossain, Mahmudul & Hingmang, Swarnim, “The Progression of The Sharecropper’s Movement in the First Half of 20th Century North Bengal with Special Focus on Jalpaiguri District: An Overview”, International Journal of Research and Analytical Review, DOI- ISSN Approved Journal No: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-513, Vol. 8, Issue- 4. October, 2021.
  4. Mia, Abdul Goni & Hossain, Mahmudul, “Sufi saint Mohammad Tamichuddin Mia a patron of religious homogeneity from Cooch Behar: A brief study,” IJRAR, (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138), IJRAR, Volume 8, Issue 4, November 2021.
Invited Lecture/ Special Lecture:
  1. A One-Day Invited lecture was given in 2019 on “History and Historiography” at the Study Centre of Rabindra Bharati University, Sukanta Mahavidyalaya, Dhupguri.
  2. A special Lecture is given on “A brief overview of Religious, Cultural and Political Evolution in Sixth Century BCE in Ancient India” on 20th of March 2024 at Pijush Kanti Mukherjee Mahavidyalya, Sonapur, Alipurduar (WB).
Member of Flying Squad:
  1. Performed 2 hours duty as member of the Flying Squad at Alipurduar Mahila Mahavidyalaya, in connection with B.A. Part I/II General Examinations, 2019 conducted by University of North Bengal on 27.07.2019.
  2. Performed 2 hours duty as member of the Flying Squad at Vivekananda College, in connection with B.A. Part I/II General Examinations, 2019 conducted by University of North Bengal on 27.07.2019.
  3. Performed 2 hours duty as member of the Flying Squad at Alipurduar College, in connection with B.A. Part I/II General Examinations, 2019 conducted by University of North Bengal on 27.07.2019.
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