E-counseling Procedure
STEP 1: All students must report to the Cashier to verify that they have paid their Admission Fee. The Cashier will collect Fee Receipts from students and put his signature on the forms.
Before verifying the forms, subject teachers must be sure that the forms have been signed by the Cashier.
STEP 2: Subject teachers will verify the following data given in the forms of students with the Madhyamik Admit Cards/Madhyamik Certificates and H.S. marksheets of students –
Before verifying the forms, subject teachers must be sure that the forms have been signed by the Cashier.
STEP 2: Subject teachers will verify the following data given in the forms of students with the Madhyamik Admit Cards/Madhyamik Certificates and H.S. marksheets of students –
- Name of the student
- Date of Birth
- H.S. Registration No., Roll No., Year of Passing H.S. (last 3 years)
- Father’s / Guardian’s Name
- Address & Phone No.
- Marks Obtained in H.S.
- Whether the student has applied in the Honours subject in which his/her name has been enlisted
- Whether the student has signed the form
- Any other relevant details
- Form will be cancelled if any discrepancy is found in the data given in the form and that found in the H.S. marksheet / Date of Birth certificate
STEP 3: Documents to be produced at the time of verification:
- Printed original copy of duly filled application form with signature
- H.S. Mark Sheet – original and 1 self-attested copy
- Madhyamik Admit Card/Certificate or Age Proof Certificate - original and 1 self-attested copy
- Student’s own Caste / PH Certificate from appropriate authority as per Govt. Rule, if required - original and 1 self-attested copy (Regarding SC/ST/OBC reservation, only certificate from SDO should be accepted - as per Govt. norms)
- 1 coloured passport size photograph
- Registration Fee Challan – college and student’s copy (Biswanath De will collect)
- Admission Fee Challan – college and student’s copy (Biswanath De will collect)
- Cancellation certificate of admission from other college, if required
- Character Certificate from the Head of the Institute, last attended
STEP 4: Students must choose their GE subjects: Select any ONE from each group
STEP 5: Subject teachers must specify College Roll Nos of students.
STEP 6: Subject teachers must sign with date in the form and at the back of the H.S. result and write ‘Verified and Admitted’.
STEP 7: E-Admission of students to be taken department-wise.
STEP 8: Names of students and their respective Roll nos. to be written in the Attendance Registers
STEP 5: Subject teachers must specify College Roll Nos of students.
STEP 6: Subject teachers must sign with date in the form and at the back of the H.S. result and write ‘Verified and Admitted’.
STEP 7: E-Admission of students to be taken department-wise.
STEP 8: Names of students and their respective Roll nos. to be written in the Attendance Registers