Nani Bhattacharya Smarak Mahavidyalaya

Vision, Mission, Objectives


Most students taking admission in the college are first generation learners whose parents are mostly employed as tea garden laborers. Under such circumstances both the vision as well as the mission needs to be humble and in consonance with the practical requirements of the students whom it serves. Teachers teaching in this college are therefore required to understand this demographic pattern and adjust accordingly. Our mission in this college is not therefore to facilitate intellectual wings for the students that would enable them to fly. That would be too idyllic and unreal. On the other hand our mission is to empower students so that they can rightfully secure their place in the economic, social and political space that India presents today. Similarly the vision is to see countless citizens of this country previously residing outside the penumbra of literacy gradually overcome their debacle and assume their rightful place in the nation building process.
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